Pennington Borough Police Department would like to remind residents of the requirements for Parking and Snow Removal. 

All cars must be removed from Borough Streets, should the roads become snow covered so that the Public Works Department can efficiently and safety clear the roads.  (Ordinance 200-16). 

Sidewalks are to be cleared and or treated for snow and ice no later than 12 hours after the storm has ended.  (Ordinance 177-1)

No person shall park in the municipal parking lot between the hours of 9:00 pm and 12:00 am when the lost is snow covered to a depth of 2 or more inches to allow for snow removal.  (ordinance 200-17) 

Please try to keep all fire hydrants cleared 3 feet around during snow events if possible, to ensure that firefighters can locate the hydrants in the event of an emergency.  

Any questions or concerns can be directed to the Pennington Police Department - 609-737-1679.